Choices. Commitment. Change.

The NEW YEAR has me all kinds of excited!

How about you?

I’m stepping up and hoping you are too.

Stepping up to bring to myself and the world, the best of me.

I’m determined to show up in all my glory! No, I don’t mean naked.

I’m committed to being authentic and owning who I am without apology!

Who’s with me?

Do I do that already? Yes & no. Sometimes, I still play small and hang back. Thinking… “now’s not the time” or “there’ll be other chances” or “someone already does it” or ” I need to know more, do it better, do more… etc”

I bet if your honest with yourself, sometimes you do too.

But I’m calling hogwash…Bollocks…Bulllllllllsh*t.

So, all the ideas and programs I’ve been sitting on, they’re coming out.

All the things I’ve been waiting to do or too afraid to do…I’m doin ’em.

I encourage you too as well.

I used to pride myself on being the girl who’d rather try and fail than not try at all. Lately, I feel I’ve been playing it safe. Not by the standards of many I guess but by my own and they’re the only ones that count.

Honestly, if you asked yourself “Have I been playing the game of life with everything I’ve got?” “In a way that makes my soul sing and my heart full”?

Now, I’m not saying I’ve been lazy or not doing anything… gosh golly if you looked at my last 12 months you’d know that’s not true. But rather, I’m talking about doing what’s important to me and my purpose. Not just what fill the hours or satisfies the needs and wants of others.

We can all be busy if we want.  I’m not keen on being busy. Been there, done that. I am set on being focused and in flow. Being fulfilled, engaged and excitedly energised.

I’ve already begun the process. Which for me means saying ‘No’ to things, so as to make space for what’s really important.

I encourage you to do a couple things at the birth of this new year…. to ensure you don’t just slide quickly and quietly into busy.

Firstly, stop and really think and feel into where you want to go. In my experience this relatively simply act of active conscious visualisation isn’t done enough.

If you aren’t clear on what you want, how can your reticular activating system (RAS – the part of your brain responsible for what makes it into your conscious awareness and mind)  go to work finding ways to make it happen for you.

Secondly, write them down. Not our to-do-list but rather your visions, intentions, goals, desires , wants…what ever you want to call them.

Simple. Except many of you won’t. So make the time. The more time you set aside to really sit with this the better.  This is your life after all. Get serious about how it plays out. You have more influence on how it shows up than you might realise.

And BECAUSE I love you ALL – answer these questions. This is a great way to get some clarity and your mind thinking:

Imagine that I was to phone you on Dec 31st 2017 and you said to me ” Wow Marina, 2017 has been my BEST YEAR EVER! I am the happiest, healthiest and most successful I’ve EVER been”….

– What would have had to happen in 2017 for this to be TRUE?

– What would you and your reality look like at the end of 2017 for that to be true?

 -What would have had to change to make this so?

After you’ve done your vision clarifying, then start taking action on the changes you need to create.

Sure there’s a little more to it (hint: do our Dreambuilder Program!) but this is a  great start.

Other questions to feel into are:

What’s really important to you?

What are you still allowing to take up valuable space and time?

Most people I get the pleasure of working with want to improve their health in some way shape or form, whether that’s weight, shape, capabilities or energy. Yet they often struggle to “find the time”.  Huh??? What?!?!?

Let me kindly remind you. Health is the absolute foundation for happiness and all success. Ask anyone who is without health just how challenging it is. Or think back to the last time you took ill… not feeling like enacting world domination were you.

So guys come on. If you want to elevate your wellness then it has to become a must. It needs to be a priority.

The great news we can help you with that. We can help you move in fun and fantastic ways. We can also help you fuel your body better and understand nutrition properly… either at our workshops, reboots or retreats…. it’s really not that hard to learn how to eat for energy and a body you love. And if you want to wire your bran for positivity, love, abundance and success well we’ve got you covered there too… again our mindset workshops or our Dreambuilder course are go-to’s.

But my point is this. Whatever it is you want to change, only you have the power to change it. We can empower you with the knowledge (or someone else if it resides outside health obviously) but only you can decide that “I am going to master this.. once and for all”. No more one-days, some-days, or I’m not good enough’s.

Start by looking at what you shouldn’t fill your time with. What you can cut from your habits and daily routines that sucking up time…. Because until you make the space in your life there is no room… or look alternatively look to substitute one for the other as a direct replacement… good and empowering habit for bad etc. Green juice instead of energy drink for instance. Takes no more time.

My goal this year is to empower you to step up.

To create real positive change.

To do this, i’m promising to up my personal communication with you and we will be running a whole new series of workshops. They’re of differing themes but collectively serve to meet our goal of elevating your health, happiness and heartfulness in life.

We’ll cover everything from building a better booty with correct glute recruitment right through to mindfulness. Of course we’ll also be offering our always awesome swag of retreats, workshops, in-house initiatives and charity events (starting with our  Mother-of-all Raffles and Pure-Palooza  – more on them later)…. and I encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open for them.

Once you’ve done your 2017 vision exercise (BECAUSE YOU WILL RIGHT!??!) if you see or hear about something that might help you step up, I encourage you to do just that. Step into those new experiences, those new learnings so that 2017 can genuinely be that BEST YEAR EVER and not just another ground-hog-year.

Here’s to stepping up, being seen, staking your claim and owning your awesome.

You deserve a life overflowing with joy, abundance and love.

If not now, when?! If not YOU saying yes, I’m ready… then who?!

Own it. Do it. Visualise it. Become it.

You’ve got this. And we’ve got you.

Much love and light,


Marina xox


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